How Welcome Videos Create an Environment of Connection and Belonging in Your Classroom

As educators, one of our greatest joys lies in welcoming a new group of students into our classrooms. We strive to create an environment where they feel inspired, supported, and ready for a journey of creative exploration. But how can we make that initial connection before they even step foot in our classrooms? The answer lies in the power of welcome videos.

Welcome videos offer a unique opportunity to engage with students before the semester or school year begins, setting the tone for what they can expect and building anticipation for the artistic adventures that lie ahead. Here's why every art teacher should consider creating welcome videos for their future students:

  1. Personal Connection: A welcome video allows you to introduce yourself to your students in a more personal and relatable way than a simple email or syllabus would. Share your passion for art, your teaching philosophy, and a glimpse into your own artistic journey. By putting a face and voice to their future teacher, students will feel a stronger sense of connection and belonging from the start.

  2. Student Insights: Imagine the impact of hearing directly from former students about their experiences in your class. By surveying students at the end of the semester or school year and asking for brief statements on what they want future students to know about the course, as well as tips for success, you can gather valuable insights to include in your welcome video. This not only provides prospective students with authentic perspectives but also demonstrates your commitment to student feedback and continuous improvement.

  3. Social Proof: Another effective strategy is to survey current students to see how many would recommend the course to a friend. Including the percentage of students who would recommend the course in your welcome packet adds a powerful element of social proof, instilling confidence in prospective students that they are making the right choice by enrolling in your class.

  4. Setting Expectations: Use your welcome video to outline course expectations, highlight key assignments or projects, and provide a glimpse into the exciting learning opportunities that await. By setting clear expectations from the beginning, students will know what is expected of them and feel more prepared to succeed in your class.

  5. Building Excitement: Finally, don't underestimate the power of excitement. Your enthusiasm for the subject and genuine excitement to work with your new students will be contagious. Use your welcome video to convey your enthusiasm and ignite a sense of anticipation for the artistic journey that awaits.

In conclusion, welcome videos are a powerful tool for art teachers to engage with their future students, build personal connections, and set the stage for a successful and inspiring semester or school year. Whether you're sharing student insights, highlighting course recommendations, or simply expressing your passion for art, welcome videos offer a unique opportunity to create a welcoming and inclusive classroom environment from day one. So why wait? Start filming your welcome video today and get ready to inspire your students like never before!

Happy creating! 🎨🌟


Fostering Creativity: The Art of Talking Less in the Classroom