Tips for Photographing Student Art
Are you always looking for new ways to boost the level of professionalism in your middle school, high school or college art classroom? Treating your students’ work with care shows that you respect their efforts.

5 Ways to Connect With Your Online High School or College Students
Teaching online can feel daunting, especially at first. Here are some tips based on notes I took throughout my first year of distance teaching. Whether you teach synchronously, asynchronously or somewhere in between, these tips should help you to improve your classroom community and engagement.

Snacks That Leave You Feeling Energized and Refreshed
If you are happy and nourished, you are in a better position to nourish your students. So, focus on these healthy and delicious snacks to get you through the day.

The Golden Rule: How Treating Your Students with Respect Produces Better Outcomes
Our students deserve our respect. It is our responsibility to nourish and protect the people we teach.

Why I started this blog…
Here I will share my motivation behind starting this blog.